Community Events


Community Forums

PAAC hosts community forums featuring diplomats, government leaders, journalists, business leaders, and scholars. These forums enable participants to learn more about current global issues, and provide opportunities to network with leaders and professionals in the community. For upcoming forums, see our events listing


PAAC collaborates with other organizations in the community such as the East-West Center, Friends of the East-West Center, Pacific Forum CSIS, Hawai’i Pacific University, Japan-America Society of Hawai’i, Chaminade University, and Consular Corps of Hawai’i.


PAAC Alumni & Young Professional Events

PAAC organizes events for PAAC Alumni to find old friends, share memories, and stay connected to PAAC.


Are you a PAAC alumnus? Join the PAAC Alumni Group on Facebook and email Ana at to be added to the alumni mailing list.