Academic Scholarships
Every Spring, the Pacific & Asian Affairs Council offers the following academic scholarships and awards for local High School students who exhibit profound academic achievement, interest in global affairs, admiration from their community, and commitment to PAAC Programming. All scholarship and award recipients are formally recognized at the annual PAAC Student Showcase in May, and their achievements are highlighted through PAAC’s Communication channels.
Check out our recipients from:
Academic Year 2023-2024 >
Academic Year 2022-2023 >
Scholarship and Award applications are now open for the 2024-25 Academic School Year!
The late Paul S. Honda, a distinguished member of PAAC’s Senior Advisory Council, established an endowment for this scholarship fund to promote Asian Studies and International Studies in higher education. Every academic year, four $1,000 scholarships are given in his name to graduating seniors who have demonstrated a desire to pursue Asian Studies, International Affairs, or a related field at the post-secondary level, and have been actively involved in PAAC Programming.
Required Materials with application:
Two Essays
Transcript (Unofficial)
Two recommendations from a teacher or trusted community member
Application Deadline: March 28th, 2025
All materials must be received by PAAC by Friday March 28, 2025 at 5:00 PM, HST.
Applicants will be notified by April 4, 2025.
Paul S. Honda Scholarship:
Calling PAAC Seniors
The legacy of Eddie Tangen, a pioneer in the development of Hawaiʻi’s labor movement and past member of PAAC’s Board of Governors, is honored with a $300 award given yearly in his name to one student* in grade 9, 10, or 11 who has demonstrated interest in international affairs and is actively involved in PAAC Programming. This award is only available for members or officers of a PAAC Club and the recipient is chosen via nomination process.
Nomination requirements:
Nominations can be submitted by a PAAC club advisor or student in a PAAC Club
No more than two candidates may be mentioned per nomination
Students cannot nominate themselves
Nominations are considered by quality (not quantity)
Nomination Deadline: March 28th, 2025
*If there are multiple exceptional nominees this award can be divided.
Eddie Tangen Award:
Calling Club members & advisors
For questions or inquiries regarding Academic Scholarships and Awards, reach out to Cheyenne Prater (program@paachawaii.org)