Your donation enables PAAC to prepare Hawaiʻi’s youth to be global citizens with intelligence, empathy, and passion for action.
Become A Donor
Individual donors & corporate partnerships
As a PAAC donor, you are making a difference in the lives of youth who will shape our future. Your support provides education that increases awareness of global issues and develops leadership, empathy, and critical thinking skills. Download a PAAC Donor and Corporate Partnership Form for more details.
Donor Benefits
Access to PAAC newsletters highlighting programming and other related opportunities
Special invitation to PAAC’s A Global Affair fundraising gala and other periodic PAAC social events
Acknowledgment of your donation on PAAC publications
Other benefits provided by PAAC’s membership to the World Affairs Councils of America.
Discounts to various publications. Please contact for discount codes.
World Politics Review: Full individual access to World Politics Review for just $1 for the first three months, then only $48.50 for the first full year after that (50% off WPR’s standard rate)
Foreign Affairs: Purchase an annual subscription for Foreign Affairs Plus (digital and print editions) for $28 or purchase a digital subscription for $22 per year (30% off subscription price)
Project Syndicate: Receive 30% off a Project Syndicate Digital or Project Syndicate Digital Plus subscription
Reciprocity with World Affairs Councils throughout the nation: PAAC members may attend programs of other participating World Affairs Councils at their member pricing, including discounted travel opportunities. See the Council Network Calendar here.